Improve outcomes by optimizing how you collaborate

Planosaurus helps you identify and defeat Organizational Monsters to create sustainable growth for your organization.
Since 2009, Planosaurus has been obsessed with helping organizations get better results from collaborative work. We are a boutique consulting firm that helps organizations eliminate the common threats to collaboration we affectionately call Organizational Monsters to increase collaborative productivity.
Planosaurus helps organizations improve their collaborative productivity. Our services help all organizations improve their collaborative productivity, support joint initiatives, and foster better collaborative leaders and managers.
Planosaurus helps improve and support collaborative work by moving the focus from traditional team-building activities towards enhancing the systems, processes, tools, and leadership skillsets towards clarity and accountability. Our approach is a cost-effective way to build sustainable collaborative productivity.

Take collaborative productivity back from the Organizational Monsters.

Improve how you manage groups, communication, culture, focus, management and process

Six reasons why the Planosaurus approach gets results

We’ve been in your shoes and know how it feels.
Planosaurus was born from our frustration with committees, programs, and projects.

We get to the source of the problem.
All projects start with an assessment to identify the causes and effects.

Preventing problems is cheaper than solving them. 
We help build the infrastructure to control processes and accountability.

We adapt to your needs.
We customize our services to each client – we can provide a little or a lot, in front or behind the scenes.

There’s nothing else like it on the market today.
We approach collaboration from a different angle to build sustainable collaborative productivity.

Accountability is the foundation of respect.
Healthy collaboration requires trust and respect, so we build accountability systems.

Aretha had it right, it is all about respect.

Our philosophy is all about respect for people, processes, and planning.

Meet the Organizational Monsters

Beware that your boards, committees and teams don't fall into a 'Black Hole'
Black HoleGroup Type Organizational Monster
Don't trade your life cycle for the 'Circle of Strife'
Circle of StrifeProcess Type Organizational Monster
'Creep' sneaks up on you when you've lost your focus
CreepCreep is a Scope Type Organizational Monster

Your goals are individual. We believe business advice should be too.